Whether its a dog or a dove, treat animals with love.

Traveling with Your Dog

Let’s say that every summer, you take a long road trip with your family. Normally you’d find a pet sitter or bring your dog to a kennel, but this year you’ve decided to bring him. After all, he’s a part of the family and you want him to be able to experience new things, too. How do you prepare your pet for a road trip? We’ve got some tips and tricks to keep you and your pet safe, happy, and healthy for your summer adventures.

Take your dog for a test drive. If your dog isn’t used to riding in the car, then it’s probably a good idea to take him for a few test rides before you pop him in the car for a weeklong cross-country adventure. Consider bringing him when you go to get gas, or when you’re dropping your kids off at friend’s houses for play dates. If they play sports and it’s at a pet-friendly area, bring your dog along. Even bringing him to the local dog park gets him used to the task of riding in the car.

Bring the right foods and medications. You don’t want to be 4 hours away from home when suddenly you realize you forgot Fido’s specialty food, or his medications are sitting on the counter. You’re outside your everyday travel zone, and you don’t even know where you can find his meds or food. Make sure you pack all of your dogs food and meds with yours; this way, nothing is forgotten or separated mistakenly.

Bring the right accessories. You might be trying a few new things that your dog isn’t used to, so you’ll want to invest in the right equipment. If you’re camping and you’ll be swimming, get a dog life vest, or even shoes to protect his feet on rough ground.

Take your dog for a checkup beforehand. As a precautionary measure, visit the vet to make sure your pup is in top condition for a road trip.

Make sure you’re staying a pet-friendly accommodations. There’s nothing worse than showing up at a hotel and finding out they aren’t pet-friendly anymore. Call ahead and use trusted search sites for this information.

Choose the right activities and destinations. If your dog is older or just isn’t used to being outdoors, then he might not be a great hiking companion. Take serious stock of his capabilities, and choose what you reasonably know he can do.

Bring all his favorite toys and comfort items. Your dog will be far away from his territory, so it’s important that he can make his own space where he feels safe. Bring his favorite smelly blanket, chewed up toy, and comfiest bed.

Make sure your dog is wearing a collar with tags at all times. If your dog runs away or someone questions you about him, then having a collar with tags will be very important.

Map out and plan pit stops. Plan ahead for all pit stops. Make sure you can walk your dog for a while so he can stretch, drink some water, play, and go to the bathroom. You’ll probably enjoy it, too!

Have Fun! Enjoy the bonding time with your family and your dog; this is an experience you both deserve!